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Excel Employment Options

Excel Employment Options

For millions of Americans with disabilities, gainful employment remains out of reach. Excel Employment Options is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing employment among the 56 million Americans with disabilities. Our goal is to work with all members of the community – including disabled individuals, service providers, government agencies, advocacy groups, existing organizations and employers – to eliminate barriers to employment and bridge the gap between disabled job seekers and the employers who want to hire them.

Soft Skills Classes-Now offering a newly developed soft skills course addressing common barriers to successful placement.

Vocational Profiles- An Assessment Specialist gathers and compiles information through observations and interviews at home, shool, work and community setting to help provide clear vocational paths. You receive clear recommendations for career preparations and realistic employment options

Career Exploration/Job Shadowing- Observe various work sites and the skills necessary to perform the related jobs

Community-Based Evaluations-Complete interest and aptitude assessments followed by short work experiences at various community employment sites compatible with your identified skills and interests. Receive a detailed report including your strengths, interests, work skills, identified goals and any barriers to overcome for successful employment

Follow-Along and Job Retention Services-Individually tailored follow-along plan based on level of independence and existing barriers to facilitate longevity on the job and positive work experiences

For more information contact: Rhea Dane, Transition Services (248)276-8933

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