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Education Development Plan (EDP)

All students are required to develop an EDP with guidance from school advisors. When applicable, parents and community contacts should also be included. EDPs are “living” documents, updated as student interests and abilities become more obvious and focused. State law requires local schools to provide an opportunity for students to begin developing an EDP in Grade 7 and requires that every student has an EDP before entering high school. By preparing the initial EDP in middle school, students can better plan their high school curriculum to meet their post-school goals. The EDP is a secondary/postsecondary planning tool to direct the student’s educational plan and career planning activities. Schools use paper EDPs, electronic EDPs, or Webbased systems such as My Dream Explorer or Career Cruising to help students write their education and career goals, including strategies and high school classes that will help them reach these goals. The EDP is an essential tool for transition planning for students with an IEP.

The March Oakland County Transition Assistance (OCTA) Workshop featured a Career Cruising presentation by Jennifer Kluesner, Career Development and Career Cruising Coordinator, Oakland Schools. Jennifer shared the assessment features available in Career Cruising including Matchmaker, Ability Profiler, and Learning Styles. Students can also explore career information, college or training institutes, and develop a resume. To access the EDP- Career Cruising presenting click here.

To learn more about the requirements for an Educational Development Plan go to EDP Fundamentals

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